10 Tips to Help You Overcome Parental Burnout

Feeling stressed out, irritable and detached from it all? Ignoring stomach aches, headaches and exhaustion? You need our free guide to help you overcome parental burnout.

Research suggests cases are on the rise, with an estimated 10% of parents in the UK thought to be currently suffering symptoms of parental burnout.

An estimated 10% of parents in the UK are thought to be currently suffering symptoms of parental burnout.

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Exhaustion, emptiness and detachment due to parental burnout can leave you feeling numb and unable to move forward.

We know that balancing parenting with life and work can be a real struggle, which is why we created this infographic for you to download for easy reference, right when you need it.

It’s OK to need help - you’ve got this. And we’ve got you.

Overcome and prevent future burnout when you download our free PDF (with journal prompts):

  • Restore energy, flow and balance

  • Recentre your mind and body

  • Recover inner calm and peace

  • Rediscover joy and wonder in your every day

Parental burnout occurs when you’re so exhausted, you feel you have nothing left to give.

Parenting is the most wonderful blessing. But juggling the mental load of life, work and a family can affect you physically, mentally and emotionally.

Burnout comes in stages, moving from excitement and trying to do all the things, to the onset of stress.

Symptoms might include:

  • Headaches from neck tension and jaw by grinding teeth.

  • Anxiety and sleep disruption, on top of a tired, overloaded brain.

  • Irritability, forgetfulness and the inability to focus, reducing productivity.

Not managing that pressure can create chronic stress and feelings of overwhelm.

This could result in:

  • Daily fatigue, often accompanied by feeling physically ill.

  • Cynical, angry or resentful feelings.

  • An inability to concentrate on the simplest of tasks.

  • Sensory overload from noise and activity.

  • A desire to retreat or hide away.

When trying to manage it all without taking time out, chronic stress can lead to burnout.

This may mean:

  • Constant headaches, digestive issues and other physical symptoms intensify.

  • An inability to take care of personal needs.

  • Self-doubt and withdrawal from society, family, self.

  • Feeling detached, numb, and unable to move forward.