What To Pack In Your Nursery Bag

While some items change with age and the seasons, there are some essentials you’ll need to pack in a bag for nursery, pre-school or the childminder. Packing it the night before will save time, and stress, when you are heading out of the door in the morning.

  1. Spare clothes

  2. A coat

  3. Shoes/Boots

  4. Nappies/Spare underwear

  5. Hat

  6. Sun cream (travel size if you’re short on space) 

  7. Water bottle 

  8. Packed lunch/Snacks (if required)

  9. Milk and Bottles (if required)

  10. Any prescribed medication (if required)

  11. A named comforter

  12. Wipes (if required)

  13. Nappy Cream (if required)