6 Virtual Playdate Ideas To Keep Little Ones Connected

Scheduling routine playdates with friends and family can be a real comfort. But sometimes, distance (or national lockdowns) can get in the way. These virtual ideas require some adult supervision, but depending on the age of your child could afford them a little independence playing with their friends too.

  1. Cooking class - do you have a toy kitchen or food and drink toys? Prop your screens up in a play kitchen and your kids can play chefs, cafes and school canteens.

  2. Playdough or plasticine - this is an easy task to set up on both sides of the remote call. Agree upfront what they want to make together and let them make and chat away - it will be like they’re in the same room.

  3. Teddy bear’s picnic lunch date - lay a blanket, bring a teddy, a tea set, a picnic lunch and your phone or tablet. This is a great way to break up the day and chat about what they’re eating and who with.

  4. Homeschool - let your children take it in turns to be the Teacher and encourage them to do a mini-maths lesson or arts and crafts. Consider setting a timer for each turn to avoid any arguments.

  5. Guess who? - if both families own the game Guess who, this can be set up and played virtually quickly and easily.

  6. Colouring in - this is a really calming activity kids can do together, to keep them occupied whilst they talk. Freestyle it or print the same colouring in sheets ahead of the playdate.