Top Tips For Potty Training

When's the right time to start potty training? Every child is different. Look out for signs that they're ready, like taking an interest in the potty or telling you they don't want to wear their nappy any more.

Check out the NHS Website for detailed information on how to potty train.

  1. Start to generate some interest in the potty. Can their favourite toy start using it? Can you read your favourite books while sitting on it.

  2. Wait until they’re ready. Are they telling you they don’t want to wear their nappy? Are they showing interest in the toilet or potty?

  3. Start when you have a few days at home with no pressure to be out and about and have to think too much ahead. Accidents will be easier to clean up.

  4. Start training in the daytime. Night time can come later.

  5. Boys often learn to wee standing up lonce they’re tall enough to reach the toilet

  6. It can be normal for children to wee in the potty but prefer to poo in a nappy. Give it time. The NHS has a great video for children who are anxious about pooing in the potty or toilet.