What To Pack In Your Baby and Toddler Change Bag

When venturing out with your baby or toddler, a well-packed baby change bag ensures you're equipped for any situation. Prepare for every adventure with these essential items to include by stage.

  1. Nappies - Pack an ample supply of diapers. Aim for at least one nappy per hour, plus a few extras. If using reusable nappies, carry a bag to store soiled nappies in.

  2. Wipes - Carry a pack of baby wipes or a resealable bag filled with a sufficient amount. They are invaluable for nappy changes, and cleaning hands, faces, and surfaces.

  3. Nappy rash cream - Include a small tube or container of nappy rash cream to soothe and protect your baby's delicate skin.

  4. Change mat - A portable changing pad provides a clean and comfortable surface for diaper changes. Look for one that is compact and easy to wipe clean.

  5. Spare clothing - Pack a complete change of clothes (or two), including a bodysuit or onesie, trousers, socks, and a hat.

  6. Cloths or Muslin Squares - These versatile cloths are ideal for cleaning up and covering up. Pack plenty! 

  7. Formula - If using formula, pack pre-measured formula in a separate container or carry ready-to-feed formula bottles.

  8. Carry clean bottles with measured water. Check out our list of Bottle Feeding Basics for tips on feeding out and about.

  9. Bibs - If your baby has started solids, carry a small container of age-appropriate snacks, such as baby cereal, fruit purees, or teething biscuits.

  10. Pacifiers and Pacifier Clip - If your baby uses a dummy, carry a few extras and a clip to keep them within reach and prevent loss.

  11. Hand Sanitiser - Keep your hands clean before and after nappy changes by carrying a travel-sized hand sanitiser or sanitising wipes.

  12. Toys or Teethers - Pack a couple of small toys or teethers to keep your little one entertained during nappy changes or while waiting.

  13. Plastic bags/Nappy sacks - Carry a few bags for storing soiled clothes, nappies, or any other items that may get dirty.

  14. Baby Blanket - Include a lightweight baby blanket for added warmth or to use as a makeshift sunshade, playmat or nursing cover.

  15. First Aid Kit - Keep a basic first aid kit with essentials - check out our list of First Aid Kit Essentials.