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Manage your mental load
Create more time and headspace
Control what works for you and your family
Feel happier, healthier and more fulfilled day to day
Choose a subscription that works for you
Basic - Free
+ Access 3 free lists per month (renewed on the 1st of every month)
+ Share lists with friends and family
+ Save lists so you can track your progress against them
Premium £4.99pm/£49.99pa
+ Unlimited access to 100s of pre-populated checklists
+ Expert videos across lots of different topics
+ Customise what content you see
+ Share lists with friends and family
+ Save lists so you can track your progress against them
+ Personalise our lists to reflect your individual needs
+ Create and manage your own checklists
+ 5, 10 and 15-minute movement videos on-demand
+ 5, 10 and 15-minute guided meditation videos on-demand
+ Submit your own lists for publication on the Parent List platform
Super-premium - Coming Soon
Gery EVERYTHING plus ultra peace of mind with access to a GP and Counselling service, and much more.
+ Unlimited access to 100s of pre-populated checklists
+ Expert videos across lots of different topics
+ Customise what content you see
+ Share lists with friends and family
+ Save lists so you can track your progress against them
+ Personalise our lists to reflect your individual needs
+ Create and manage your own checklists
+ 5, 10 and 15-minute movement videos on-demand
+ 5, 10 and 15-minute guided meditation videos on-demand
+ Submit your own lists for publication on the Parent List platform
+ 24-hour access to a telephone and online GP service
+ 24-hour access to an online Counselling service
+ Discounted family eye care
+ Retail and shopping discounts and savings